Perspectiva General

Dr. Sabine Vianden focuses on constitution law, antidiscrimination law and advising international clients, especially U.S. companies doing business in Germany. She brings her penchant for foreign languages and other work cultures to bear. In her solution-oriented and practical advice, Sabine attaches great importance to open communication. For her clients, she does not want to be just a service provider, but works as part of the team for the common cause.

Sabine has particular knowledge of pay transparency and equal pay regulations. She holds a doctorate in law, with her dissertation focusing on “Equal Pay for Equal Work and Work of Equal Value,” a subject that has become increasingly pivotal in the context of European and German pay equity legislation.

Further, Sabine has a strong background in the area of European and German supply chain due diligence requirements as well as working time recording requirements. She is a sought-after advisor for organizations navigating complex compliance requirements.


Libros & Capítulos

  • Gleiches Entgelt für gleiche und gleichwertige Arbeit Ein Prinzip und seine rechtliche Durchsetzung auf Grundlage des Entgelttransparenzgesetzes, Peter Lang Verlag, 2020
  • Die Umsetzung der EU Antirassismusrichtlinie im Wohnungsbereich, Gutachten im Auftrag der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, 2020
  • Anmerkung zum Urteil des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Union vom 13., C 354/16 (Kleinsteuber), ZESAR 2018, 83 86, Juli 2017
  • Leiharbeit und Personalhoheit, NZS, 847 850, 2017


  • Doctorate in Law, University of Bonn, 2019
  • Law Degree, University of Bonn, 2016


  • Alemán
  • Inglés

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