We have decided to implement a return-to-office policy. We want to know what our options are, what pitfalls to avoid, and how best to prepare for some anticipated employee pushback.
It has come to our attention that one of our staff members maintains an adult-themed website. I’m not sure how to approach this, if at all. What are our options?
Planning and preparation before natural events occur allows employers to best support their workforces and the stability of their businesses when unfortunate natural events happen.
Last week someone anonymously emailed HR complaining about one of our sales executives. Who do I talk to about the allegations since they are anonymous? Do we have to investigate this complaint?
Two managers have lobbed complaints against each other. Can I just give both a warning to knock it off or should I just terminate them both and be done with the situation?
A brief overview of substance use issues employers dealt with in the past, those employers are presently addressing, and emerging issues employers may need to grapple with in the near future.
Our company is expanding and we are concerned about compliance with all of the various state leave laws. We understand that some states have laws requiring leave for school activities. What do we need to do to comply?
We’re moving to a new online payment platform, which includes an option for customers to include tips in varying amounts. We’re new to dealing with tips, and not sure how this will impact our pay practices. Who do the tips go to?