Jennifer Foldvary Goldberg
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Jennifer Goldberg advises and represents employers in a broad range of labor and employment law matters arising under both state and federal law, including:

  • Wage and hour class actions
  • Discrimination and harassment
  • Retaliation and wrongful termination
  • Leaves of absence and disability accommodations

Jennifer also has significant experience counseling clients on hiring, employee classification, performance management and terminations. She has conducted in-person employer training sessions on compliance with labor and employment laws related to workplace harassment prevention and wage and hour laws. In addition, Jennifer has represented employers in collective bargaining negotiations with labor unions.

Prior to joining Littler, Jennifer worked in San Francisco representing public and private employers in employment litigation and labor matters.

During law school, Jennifer was a member of the Scott Moot Court Honors Board. She also served as a judicial extern for the U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review. As an undergraduate, Jennifer was an intern for U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman.

Credentials & Recognition

Speaking Engagements

Moderator, Effective Negotiation and Settlement Strategies

  • November 6, 2015
  • Bar Association of San Francisco, Barristers Annual Meeting

Moderator, A Comprehensive Perspective on Workplace Investigations

  • June 25, 2015
  • Bar Association of San Francisco, Barristers Labor and Employment Section

Let us know how we can help you navigate your particular workplace legal issues.