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Littler recognizes that the employer community needs an effective resource to help them understand and engage in the ever-changing legislative and regulatory developments that impact their workplaces and business strategies. Littler’s Workplace Policy Institute® (WPI™) was created to meet that need.

WPI harnesses the deep subject-matter knowledge of Littler – the nation’s largest employment and labor law firm devoted exclusively to representing management – to ensure that policymakers in Washington and around the country hear the voice of employers. WPI is engaged with Congress, the executive branch, and the courts on the most critical employment, labor and benefits issues of the day, including the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), National Labor Relations Act, Title VII, and their ever-changing implementing regulations.

The WPI provides timely alerts, updates and analyses on federal, state and local legislative, regulatory and judicial developments that affect employers.  In addition, the WPI can help employers shape workplace policy by serving as an advocate of the employer community with policymakers.

Learn More About WPI

Workplace Government Relations and Policy Contacts

Shannon Meade

Executive Director, Workplace Policy Institute

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